International Committee on Genetic Counselor Credentialing

TAGC promotes communication and collaboration in genetic counseling, transnationally.

In 2010, the TAGC Board of Directors agreed to facilitate an International Committee on Genetic Counseling Credentialing for the purpose of promoting communication among the professional organizations that currently certifies/registers genetic counselors, internationally.

The charge of this committee is to create direct dialogue to:
1. Understand commonalities and differences in established credentialing processes
2. Create web accessible information on credentialing linked to each organization’s website
3. Learn from the experience of organizations that have developed processes for recognizing
credentials of foreign trained genetic counselors
4. Explore the possibility of certification recognition between countries
5. Assist countries developing credentialing through accessibility of information

The International Committee on Genetic Counselor Credentialing first met in Montreal, 2011 With Representatives of the following Genetic Counselor Credentialing Organizations:
American Board of Genetic Counseling:
Australasian Board of Censors for Genetic Counseling
Canadian Association of Genetic Counselors Certification Board
Genetic Counselor Registration Board (UK)
Health Professions Council of South Africa
Japanese Board of Genetic Counselors

Barcelona 2016 created the opportunity for a second meeting of the organizations representing genetic counselors, internationally. The Genetic Counselor and Genetic Nurse Division of the European Board of Medical Genetics hosted the meeting in May 2016 with representatives from the following organizations, each of whom pledged to continue an open dialogue on international recognition of genetic counselor education.

Accreditation Council for Genetic Counseling
American Board of Genetic Counseling
Australasian Board of Censors in Genetic Counseling
Canadian Association of Genetic Counselors Certification Board
French Association of Genetic Counselors
Genetic Counselor Registration Board (UK)
Health Professional Council of South Africa

TAGC maintains current information on the established credentialing process for each country here, with links to each organization’s website and policies, including the current policy (if available) on recognizing certified genetic counselors trained in a foreign country. As genetic counseling education and credentialing evolves in other countries, we expect this web-resource to grow. We hope the accessibility and transparency of information will be useful to all.

Please click on the flags to explore the established credentialing processes for these countries

Australia Philippines
Canada South Africa
Japan United Kingdom
Netherlands United States